Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A Clarification and an Explanation

As I mentioned in one of my earlier posts, I am taking a class called Virtual Worlds and the Social Media.  As part of the class, I am required to keep a blog and post assignments sporadically throughout the semester.  Luckily for those of you who don't want to be bored by my assignments there is a simple way to skip them!

As you can now see, there is a pink column down the side of my blog... there you will find my updated about me section, as well as on the top something called Tags.  There are two tags, general and VW assignments.  To only see my posts non-related to class, click on the general tag.  As you might have already noticed my first class post is a little repetitious of what I've already shared with you. 

Tomorrow I will post about my field study as well as my itinerary for my upcoming trip to Northern Germany!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lis!
    We all enjoy following your blog and keeping up with what you're doing. Your trip to Germany sounds like fun; your Mom says you'll be staying in youth hostels. It will be interesting to hear about that. Grandma talked to me about the dislike Danes had for Germans. She said that when her mother, Nanny, really hated someone and wanted to call them the worst name she could think of, instead of calling them a son-of-a bitch, or something like that, she would say, "He's a German!", whether they were German or not! To her, that was the worst insult you could give anybody! I often thought she turned over in her grave when Granddaddy married a German woman; a woman 42 years younger, no less! I remember several years ago when it was announced that Germany was going to be reunified, I met some Danish men at a convention; they were very upset and felt no good could come of a unified Germany. Maybe all those bad feeling have gone to the wayside by now. Have fun on your trip!
    Aunt Kris
