Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Various forms of Entertainment

Most of you know that there is nothing I like more than doing nothing.  That's right... sitting on my butt all day watching tv, sounds like paradise to me.  So it should come as no surprise that I've been feeling quite deprived here in Denmark because I can't access Hulu, Netflix, Pandora and other forms of online American entertainment.  But, fear no more.  I have figured out a solution! Freshman year I had to download something called VPN so I could access my Library's database even when I wasn't on campus.  It re-routes something and deceives your computer into thinking you're still back at F&M.  Luckily it works her in Denmark as well! So now on top of having my Slingbox, I can also watch shows online! YAY

Since I now have endless ways to amuse myself I thought it would only be fair if I provided you with some lovely entertainment as well.  In my Virtual Worlds class this week we had to create a Digital Story.  So my group hit the streets of Copenhagen (as well as the halls of DIS) to put together a guide for surviving in Denmark.  (However the title got messed up and shows up as Lalalala title.... Surviving in Denmark?) Oops.  Anyways here's a link to our video, it you watch it all the way to the end (don't worry it's only 2 minutes) I promise you'll get a kick out of my facial expression.

A Guide to Surviving In Denmark - Digital Story

Tomorrow I get my Itinerary for my trip to Belgium and The Netherlands! I'm sooo excited! I'll be sure to update you guys on what I will be doing. 

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