Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day Three: The Quest for a 50kr picture

Day 3, and not only has it rained every single day, but I haven't seen the sun yet.  I woke up at 7 and it was still dark outside, and I came home from Copenhagen at 5 in the pitch black.  Despite the poor weather conditions, I'm having a blast exploring the city. 

The day got off to an exciting start on the train this morning when another DIS girl threw up on the way to DIS.  Luckily she found a bag in the nick of time, but the Dane sitting in our cabin looked absolutely horrified... not that I blame him.
Once in the city I figured out that I have turned into mapquest for most of the people I hang out with.  For some reason they tend to think I know where I'm going... I haven't led them astray yet though.  After finding Anneks B we were in for a boring 3 hour lecture.
After that we had 3 hours to roam the city.  We went to Studenthus which is a cafe/bar/lounge for students in the city and then our quest for the 50kr picture began.  While reading our orientation packets we discovered that students who submit pictures to DIS that they like can earn 50kr for each picture.  So when we left Studenthus we let our artistic sides shine.  Pictures of pigeons, pictures of street musicians, pictures of the architecture.  Sadly, none of our pictures were very good, so the quest shall continue.  We ventured to the King's Garden which is not very beautiful in the winter unfortunately, and then we headed back to DIS for our academic sessions.

I met my core professor who goes by Jakob and enjoyed listening to him speak about all the trips we will be taking and the trouble we will be getting into.  Jakob assured us that we will have ample time to hit the bars in Belgium, the coffee houses or coffee shops in Amsterdam (in his words if you want coffee go to a coffee house, if you want to get as stoned as you've ever been, go to a coffee shop), and the pubs in Germany. 

Tomorrow is the last day of orientation before classes begin!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you're getting off to a great start! We are all enjoying your messages and updates. Study hard and have a great time.
    Aunt Kris
