Sunday, January 16, 2011

First Day in Copenhagen

It's official... I'm actually in Copenhagen... well, Roskilde to be more precise.  I haven't actually seen the city of Copenhagen yet.  But I figured since I know you're all eagerly awaiting my first post I would oblige. 

The flight over was to be expected... small seats, bad food, no sleep. However they did show three movies, so I was amply entertained; mostly by Jaden Smith in Karate Kid (he's so adorable).  As we started to descend upon the Copenhagen airport (which is apparently spelled Kobenhavn with a line through the o) it seemed that I was about to land in the arctic tundra.  The looks were only minorly deceiving.  I arrived to snow on the ground and rain.  

After waiting at the airport for quite some time a bus took me to my Kollegium in Roskilde.  There were a few things I noticed.  
- A lot of wind turbines, and a lot of wind... So a pretty good combination.
-The fact that no one here drives... the roads were empty.
- McDonalds
-More IKEAs than could possibly be necessary

I just finished unpacking everything, and most of it is actually put away in some sort of comprehensive manner.  The room is quite small with no storage space.  Oh, and Mom, I only packed 13 pairs of shoes... not 15.  As I lay in my bed writing this post I'm sustaining myself on Chex-mix and gummy bears (until dinner at 6 30) and fighting the urge to pass out.  

I know none of that was interesting... but I wanted to have something written when you all got the link to the blog.  Next time I promise I will either be witty or actually have something interesting to write... but for now I'm too tired.

I went out to dinner with the 50 American DIS students living on the RUC campus... naturally for our first danish meal we had pizza.  I'm starting to think I'll be able to survive on the food here.  Another great perk of Denmark is that I can legally drink... so along with the pizza buffet was a wine and beer buffet.  Needless to say the combination of jet-lag and beer is making me tired.  Orientation starts tomorrow.... it's the best way to make you feel like you're a freshman again.  I have to be at DIS by 11, but apparently I need to be at the train station at 9:45... I don't even want to think about what that means for my 8:30 classes...

Now it's time for bed (10 45 is the earliest I've gone to bed in a few years)

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