Friday, January 28, 2011

Insert Witty Title Here

Some random thoughts on my time here thus far.

- For a transportation system that is supposed to be fantastic, it has a lot of flaws.  Every single train was delayed today.  I''m not talking a minute or two either.  The first train I attempted to catch was canceled.  The next train was running 18 minutes late, and stopped in the middle of the tracks once I was on it for no apparent reason.  The third train I attempted to take today was 25 minutes late.  I ended up being late to my first class because of the trains.  And this makes me ponder, how exactly are Danes ever on time for anything?

- I have finally attended all of my classes! Today was the first day that we had The Spies Within: Espionage in the Cold War Period.  Apparently our professor got sick, and we now have two new professors to share their knowledge with us.  The book for the class is about 1,000 pages long (yuck) but after a slow start seems like it will be interesting.  We watched a documentary about the Cambridge Spies which was very interesting.  I was fascinated by the fact that many of the spies joined the communist movement because they thought it was the best way to stop the fascist movement in Germany. 

-Last night I went out to Kulorbar.  It was pretty awesome and a pretty good deal.   For 60kr ($11) you are given a mug at the door, and you get as many free refills of beer as you want. So as long as you get about 3 beers, it's significantly cheaper than anything else in this country.  Luckily, I was able to catch a train home this time. 

- Each morning I'm faced with a decision of how to get to the train station.  Should I walk, which takes about 15 minutes, or ride my bike, which takes about 5.  While it might seem like an easy decision, it's not.  What you might not comprehend is the effect riding a bike has on the elements.  As you zoom along on the bike, you are suddenly thrust into a wind tunnel, the rain hits your even harder, and the 25 degree weather all of a sudden feels like it's 0 degrees outside.  I have yet to make it to the train station without tears streaming from my eyes due to the wind and bitter cold.


-I also found corn at the grocery store which made me delighted because my father told me that Danes don't eat corn because they think it's horse food.  Now I'm just faced with the dilemma of figuring out how I cook frozen corn.  Surprisingly, Danish instructions don't help.  Google translate is my new best friend.

Feel free to comment and let me know how things are at home, or if you have any questions about things I haven't mentioned!


  1. Hi dear,

    Haven't spoken to you in a couple of days. Want to skype this weekend. What are your plans. Have you heard any more about your upcoming trip to the border.

    Btw, Trader Joe's says boil corn in 1 cup of water for 5 minutes.

    Love You!!!

  2. I think I needed about 3 question marks in my post. Analytics is the work gmail account.

  3. I have to wonder where in the world your father (my brother) got the idea that Danes don't eat corn because they think it's horse food. I have never heard that! I think your father is nuts! The trains in Denmark remind me so much of MARTA here in Atlanta! Your Mom said the train system you are using is the regional rail system, not the new Copenhagen rapid transit. Is that right?

  4. Yes Mother, your punctuation was lacking, as was my understanding of who analytics was! haha

    Aunt Kris, I have no clue where my father gets any of his crazy ideas. Though he sure has no problem stating them matter of factly. & Yes, the line I take into Copenhagen is the Regional Train, not the S-Tog (which is the main train line) or the Metro. Apparently, it was only the Regional Trains that were having problems the other day.
